Non-Degree: When and How to Apply
When and How to Apply for Non-Degree
Those who have completed at least one semester at degree-conferring institution(s) as a regular student at the time of application.
Enrollment Policy
Non-degree students are required to register for at least 10 hours of class time (equivalent to 6 classes) per week. Also, students can only take up to 20 credits per semester. If a student fails to register for courses in a given semester, or fails to meet the deadline for tuition payment, he/she will lose his/her student status at Sophia.
Application Schedule

Application Procedure
For reference, see the AY 2024 Admissions Guidelines below:
・2024 English Track / Japanese Intensive Track Application Procedure(234.13 KB)
Application is accepted through the following steps. Make sure to complete each step.
1. Prepare the required materials (refer to the Application Procedure booklet).
2. Register for the on-line application website (indicated in the Application Procedure booklet) to create your “MyPage.”
Important information will be sent to the email address you register here until enrollment in Sophia. Please make sure to use an email address you’ll always be able to check even after leaving your current school.
3. Make sure to include all your application information together during the on-line application.
Registration for application is open only during the online application period for each admission.
4. Pay the application fee and submit your application on-line.
5. Mail the printed application forms and other application materials to the Sophia Admissions Office.
Application Documents
Please make sure to read the Application Procedure booklet for the details about application documents or your application might end in a failure. We hope to accept all applications!
1. Application Forms
2. Essay (use the form provided) WORD(15.29 KB)
3. Official Transcript(s)
4. Proof of Language Proficiency
For English Track applicants
Applicants must prove their English proficiency by taking the TOEFL® (including Home Edition) or the IELTS (Academic). TOEFL ITP® and IELTS indicator are not acceptable.
For Japanese Intensive Track applicants
Applicants should show their Japanese and English proficiency level by submitting the test results mentioned as follows.
-For Japanese proficiency, test results of Japanese Language Proficiency Test (日本語能力試験)or J-Test
-For English proficiency, TOEFL® (including ITP), IELTS, TOEIC (including IP).
In addition, applicants should submit a report of their previous experiences in studying Japanese, and any background information including history of residence, language use at home, and any experience of previous contact with Japanese. The report should be one page of A4 in the format of your own choice.
5. Two Letters of Recommendation (use the form provided) WORD (16.68 KB) / PDF (44.77 KB)
6. Certificate of Health (use the form provided) PDF(137.63 KB)
7. Standardized Test Scores (Optional)
If an applicant has taken one of the following in the past, submission of results is recommended.
1) SAT Scores
2) ACT Scores
3) IB (International Baccalaureate) Diploma
8. Application Materials Checklist (use the form provided) PDF(114.38 KB)
Application Fee
35,000 yen
On-line payment handling fee of 990 yen will be charged in addition to the application fee.
Payment should be made by credit card, at a convenience store (inside Japan), via Pay-easy, or via on-line banking during the application period. Payment must be completed by 11:59 p.m. (JST) of each on-line application deadline. After the deadline, application will not be accepted. The application fee is non-refundable once it is paid.
Notice of Results
Decision on acceptance or rejection will be based on screening of documents submitted by the applicant.
Applicants can confirm their acceptance/rejection on “MyPage” via the application portal (indicated in the Application Procedure) from 10:00 a.m. (JST) on the results-notice date.
-Sophia University will not disclose the results of an application by telephone, fax or e-mail.
-Acceptance is valid only for the semester specified in the letter of acceptance.
-No physical materials (including a letter of acceptance) will be sent to applicants from the Sophia Admissions Office.